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Learn how to start a thriving freelance business from the inside-out... Without overwhelm or feast-and-famine cycles.

Five Years Ago...

I left my full-time career in the UI/UX design world after over a decade to branch out on my own.

Why? Because I wanted time and location freedom, like many people do.

And I got it.

I've been able to surpass my full-time salary while working part-time...

Live around the world the last two years...

And change my career to open up space for coaching, trauma recovery, my art, and volunteer work...

Without prior formal business experience.

Since then, I've been asked many times how I did it—as in...

How did I have the courage?

How did I get clients?

How did I set everything up?

How did I keep it going?

That's why I wrote, "The Embodied Freelancer."

Working for oneself is a path to living more authentically and having ownership over your life.

And while there are many ways to work for yourself, freelancing is the path I chose...

BUT I made it happen from the inside-out...

Something not enough business owners do.

And that's the difference with this book.

Whether you want more time to yourself, extra cash on the side, or a bridge to a life full of joy, purpose, and freedom...

This book is for you. Sign up at the form above!

Excited to tell you more about it,


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